Average Correlations of Specific Evaluations of Teachers with Student Achievement from Effective Teaching in Higher Education: Research and Practice

授業の要素 相関係数
教員の準備と授業の設計 .57
説明の明確さと理解しやすさ .56
授業目標にそった授業 .49
期待される学習成果の明確さ .46
教員による知的な刺激 .38
高い学習水準への動機付け .38
質問の促進と他の意見への寛大さ .36
教員の会いやすさと親切さ .36
教員の話し方 .35
授業目標と履修要件の明確さ .35
内容に関する教員の知識 .34
クラスの水準や進歩への理解 .30
教員の熱意 .27
評価における教員の公正さ .26
Percent Variance Explained Instructional Dimension Average r
30.0%-34.9% Teacher’s Preparation;Organization of the Course .57
25.0%-29.9% Clarity and Understandableness .56
20.0%-24.9% Teacher Pursued and/or Met Course Objectives .49
15.0%-19.9% Perceived Outcome or Impact of Instruction .46
10.0%-14.9% Teacher’s Stimulation of Interest in the Course and Its Subject Matter .38
5.0%-9.9% Teacher Motivates Students to Do Their Best; High Standard of Performance Required .38
5.0%-9.9% Teacher’s Encouragement of Questions,and Openness to Opinions of Others .36
5.0%-9.9% Teacher’s Availability and Helpfulness .36
5.0%-9.9% Teacher’s Elocutionary Skills .35
5.0%-9.9% Clarity of Course Objectives and Requirements .35
5.0%-9.9% Teacher’s Knowledge of the Subject .34
5.0%-9.9% Teacher’s Sensitivity to, and Concern with, Class Level and Progress .30
5.0%-9.9% Teacher’s Enthusiasm (for Subject or for Teaching) .27
5.0%-9.9% Teacher’s Fairness;Impartiality of Evaluation of Students;Quality of Examinations .26
5.0%-9.9% Classroom Management .26
5.0%-9.9% Intellectual Challenge and Encouragement of Independent Thought (by the Teacher and the Course) .25
5.0%-9.9% Personality Characteristics(“Personality”) of the Teacher .24
5.0%-9.9% Teacher’s Concern and Respect for Students; Friendliness of the Teacher .23
5.0%-9.9% Nature, Quality, and Frequency of Feedback from the Teacher to the Students .23
5.0%-9.9% Pleasantness of Classroom Atmosphere .23

Effective Teaching in Higher Education: Research and Practice

Effective Teaching in Higher Education: Research and Practice